Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Preliminary Task- Evaluation

After the film was finished, we uploaded it to Megan's YouTube channel so that it was able to be viewed by anyone and can be easily embedded into our blogs.

Now that the entire production of our preliminary film has been completed, I can reflect on how I felt the production of the film has gone. Altogether, I believe that it was a very successful production to say that we planned, filmed and edited it all in the space of a week. I think that one of the reasons that our group worked well together was because before we were put together we all knew each other which made it easy to communicate between one-another and get all of our ideas across to each other wasn't a problem.

I felt that our planning for the preliminary task went very well because we had many ideas for how the film was going to be which made it easy to produce a mind map with some initial ideas for the film. The storyboard was illustrated by myself and Edward and I feel that it went very well because we were able to finish it in a short space of time and it gave a clear idea of the plot to the film. The one thing that I felt was wrong with the storyboard was that it lacked any writing to tell the viewer what the characters are saying which makes it fairly difficult to interpret the storyboard.
Mine and Edwards storyboard

I was extremely happy with how the filming went for the film since we were very efficient with time and manged to get everything we needed filmed in the space of approximately an hour. The only problem with the filming was that mine and Edwards acting was not up to a high standard but thats's not what we were expecting in our preliminary task so it isn't much of a problem. This is noticed in some stages of the film such as near the beginning where for a slight moment it is noticeable that Ed is looking directly into the camera lens and when I pull my gun out of my pocket it is obvious that I am struggling to pull it out.
The stage that I was most unhappy with during the production of the short film was the editing stage. As a group we thought it would be a good idea to split off into pairs, Edward and I were in control of finding music and sound effects that we could use in the film on the internet whereas Hannah and Megan were in charge of editing the movie. Because of this I feel that Edward and I had a much smaller role in the editing stage of the film which wasn't what either of us really wanted since we felt as though we were relying on Megan and Hannah to do the majority of the work.

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